
Dirty words.

Words don't really do much harm. Okay, well, they do, but that's not my point.
And these "dirty words"-- the ones we all know and love usually mean "poop", "butt", "sex", or "curses".
So why, when we say them differently, are they suddenly so horrible? And why are they even in existence? Just to challenge us and make life more difficult?
I mean, if you didn't have to shut your kid up every time he said "frog" because he mispronounces it as "fuck" life would be so much easier, no?



You can breathe through your mouth, and yet it's apparently more important to breathe through your nose.
Because your nose can get stuffed up, thereby causing you the misery of breathing through your mouth and getting your lips dried up and your entire mouth dehydrated while you sleep.
Of course.
All our body parts want us to suffer.



What's the use of water coming out of your eyes when you're sad?
I mean, think about it.
Does losing liquid make us feel better or something? Sure as hell doesn't make me feel better.
I can understand frowning. Maybe even the sobs.
But the waterworks?! It just seems so weird and unnecessary. I mean, sadness is just an emotion. Why lose bodily fluids over it? "Aww, boohoo, I'm sad, I'm gonna empty myself of all the water in my body through my eyes."
It's ridiculous.

Hair on your fingers.

One word:


The English language.

It's just so damn WEIRD.
Like if you take one word and say it too many times, you begin to realize why.
Let's take the word "question".
Question, question, question.
Ohhh sir, I have a question for you about the questions of questionable society.
Why do "q" and "u" go together so often?
And isn't a "quest" a journey? So why is a question just a statement of inquiry?
I mean, think about it.
Words are STRANGE.


The human brain.

I just don't get it.
Which is kinda ironic, seeing as I have to use my brain to understand my brain... but whatever. Don't want it to start hurting.
I mean, think about it. (No pun intended.)
How is it possible for so much stuff to be crammed in there? And why do we forget so many things?
And just WHAT is up with conjuring up images in your brain?! I still can't get how I can see an image in my head, when CLEARLY you SEE images with your EYES.
No, I never learned anatomy in high school, aside from the reproductive and digestive systems. Let's just say they felt it necessary to teach us about that kinda stuff there...



So yesterday I felt neglected.
And today I felt loved.