
Your face.

Sometimes I look at people and I wonder why we look the way we do.
I mean, think about it.
We have two odd-shaped peepholes halfway down our faces and a gigantic blob right under them, which sits right atop two pinkish slivers that cover a bunch of white squares and a big ol' leathery pink floppy thing that tastes that food that makes us die, not to mention an entire complex system of innards.
And then our skin's always different, but usually some varying shade of brown. Or white, if you're an albino.
And whaddup with feet? Like, why do we need toes? They're so wiggly. We could balance just as well if they were webbed. I mean, Ashton Kutcher has webbed toes, and he doesn't trip over everything, now, does he? No sir, he does not.
And really, now, God--ARMPIT HAIR?!
We are such weird looking beings. If aliens came to earth, they'd point and laugh.

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